How To Improve Your Website Ranking On Google

There are millions of websites online. You might feel that competition is too great and you'll never get your website to appear on the first page of Google, or any of the other search engines listings. But it's not impossible. When you use the right tactics you can improve your website ranking on Google.

Here are 5 tips to get you started.

1. Keyword Research

Google directs people to your website because of the keywords they have typed into the search box. That means those same keywords need to be on your site and easy to find. They need to be part of the content and part of the navigation. Research your keywords and provide the most valuable and useful content possible. Provide what your customers and prospects are looking for and it will set you apart from the vast majority of your competition.

2. Create More Content

Google and the other search engines will scan you website and index your content. The more relevant your content, the more value the search engines place on your site. All the search engines like fresh content because they want to provide their users with the most up to date information. But don't compromise the quality of your content by trying to publish something new, say everyday, if it's just a lot of garbage.

3. Check Your Analytics

Needless to say, if you want to improve your website ranking on Google, you need to install Google analytics on your website. These free analytics help you track where your customers go on your website, how long they stay on your website, how they got to your website, what keywords they use to find your website, how many visitors return to your website and more. This information is important. Check your website analytics on a regular basis. Create content that matches what you find.

4. Don't Excessively Use Keywords

Whilst keywords are important to use to get your website on Google search results, you don't want to use too many. Generally speaking, your keyword should be used once for every 100 words. If you repeat your keywords too much then your website will be ignored by Google because your content will be considered artificial and unreadable.

5. External Links

If other high quality, authoritative websites are linking to your website, Google will see this a 'recommendation' about the value of your site and will rank your website higher in its search listings. To get more of these backlinks, get in touch with respected websites or blogs to see if you can provide a guest post or article. That post or article will contain a link back to your website.

When a prospective customer is looking for something online, they'll use a search engines like Google find it. And, if your business can provide that person with the product or service that they are looking for, you want to make sure that you're listed in the search engine results. My 'DIY' Search Engine Optimization Guide will help you to improve your website rankings.
How To Improve Your Website Ranking On Google Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: internetbersama

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